Special Council Meeting - Consideration of Official Plan Adoption - This event has already occurred
Event Details
Written comments can be submitted by email to the Township Planner or in-person to the Township Office by no later than noon on Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 for inclusion in the Planner’s recommendation report. Correspondence will be received at...
Written comments can be submitted by email to the Township Planner or in-person to the Township Office by no later than noon on Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 for inclusion in the Planner’s recommendation report. Correspondence will be received at the office during regular business hours or after hours using the drop box located to the left of the front door.
A person or public body may request to appear as a delegation to Council, pursuant to the Township’s Procedural By-Law, No. 2018-23. A delegation request must be received by 12:00 noon on Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 in order to participate and speak at the November 15th, 2021 meeting. A delegation request form is available online at: https://www.southwold.ca/en/municipal-office/council.aspx
Additional information relating to the proposed Official Plan is available on the project website and by contacting the Township Planner, Bryan Pearce, by email at planning@southwold.ca or by phone at (519) 280-1028.
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